Internet Explorer is no longer supported

From November 2021, Infoxchange no longer supports the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. If you currently use Internet Explorer, we encourage you to consider switching to a supported browser. If you are unsure which browser you are currently using, you can find out on the Admin > About tab after you log in. More information about support for Internet Explorer and other browsers can be found here

Service Record System

This database contains private and confidential information. Access to this information is subject to State and Federal privacy legislation. Only authorised persons should access this database.

You should not give your username and password to any other person. Please keep your password secret. All access to this application is logged and is subject to regular audits.

About SRS

Service Record System (SRS) is an online client management system developed in partnership with the community services sector.

SRS improves the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery by helping organisations manage information and activities regarding individuals and families.


Internet Explorer is no longer supported

From November 2021, Infoxchange no longer supports the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. If you currently use Internet Explorer, we encourage you to consider switching to a supported browser. If you are unsure which browser you are currently using, you can find out on the Admin > About tab after you log in. More information about support for Internet Explorer and other browsers can be found here

Need help using SRS?

The Infoxchange Helpline can be contacted on 1300 366 516 or (03) 9418 7487 or email [email protected]

If you contact support please quote the web address you use to access the application and the workgroup that you belong to.

SRS Support is also available via the SRS Online Help website that has a Frequently Asked Questions page, News, and a Contact us page where you can contact the support team.